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The Power of a Whiter Smile

Have you ever felt like you would feel more confident with a whiter smile? Well, a study shows that people look more attractive, self-confident, trustworthy and financially successful with whiter teeth.

We all know first impressions are a big deal! Having a brighter smile can change your level of self-confidence. It makes you more attractive. It makes you look like you take care of yourself. Whiter teeth give you a more healthy and attractive look but faded or yellow teeth look dirty and untidy, and they can ruin the whole appearance of a person.

Research commissioned in 2007 shows that having a pearly white smile has a direct impact on successful interactions, both socially and professionally. White teeth significantly affect what other people think of you for the first time they meet you.

The three-part research included simulated job interviews, first dates and quantitative online research: More than half of the participants were more likely to be hired (58%) and offered larger salary (53%), after their teeth were whitened. The research also shows that the evaluators were paying more attention while interacting with or “dating” participants whose teeth were whitened.

During the simulated job interviews it was also noticed that most of the participants were seen as more professional (65%) and self-confid
ent (61%) after teeth whitening. And in the simulated first dates over half of the participants were seen as more sociable (59%) after teeth whitening 

This research proves the amazing power of a whiter smile. White teeth are a sign of success. It shows that a person has the time, resources and desire to invest in their smile. Cleaner and whiter teeth make you look more attractive. We've made it easier than ever to get that perfect professional-looking white smile in the comfort of your own home.

There are so many great benefits to having a whiter smile, both personally and professionally. Learn how to maintain your pearly whites and reap the rewards of an amazing smile! 

At-home teeth whitening from Pearly Whites

dental hygiene how to whiten your teeth smile

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